Join ICPJ for the #DriveSAFE Brown Bag Wednesday, October 20th, 12pm-1pm
Join us for a brief zoom meeting – to provide all the information you need to know about the #DriveSAFE effort to restore drivers’ licenses for all Michiganders, including undocumented immigrants.
Registration required here.
We all want the right to care for our loved ones and to move freely without feeling like a target. To do that, we all need the right to obtain a driver license, regardless of immigration status or what documentation we have.

Undocumented immigrants in Michigan had been able to obtain driver’s licenses to go to work, get groceries and prescriptions, and drive their children to the doctor, with the same rights and restrictions as other Michiganders. This was ended in 2008. In May 2021, the Drive SAFE bills were introduced in the state legislature to correct that injustice.
Watch here for the Press Conference following the surprise cancellation of the hearing for the #DriveSafe bills on September 14th, including the planned testimony of former legislator, farmers, business leaders, and Michiganders from different communities. (At 16 minutes into the video, listen to Nelly Fuentes read her testimony about the importance of this legislation.)
Help spread the word about this Brown Bag and sign up here for more information about joining future Deep Canvassing events (phone-banking with time to talk with the person you are speaking with). ICPJ will be organizing a Deep Canvassing training and events to support the Drive Michigan Forward Coalition efforts. For the most updated campaign information or learn more about the coalition, go to:
Please email House Speaker Wentworth and ask to give this a legislation a hearing!
For more contact