Month: April 2022

Connect & Act and 2022 Annual Meeting- May 21st!

The gathering is free to attend, although donations are always welcome. Please register at the link here so that we can plan accordingly. Also, sign up to bring a potluck dish for the community meal or to volunteer for logistics for the community gathering. This Read more…

The Struggle for Environmental, Racial & Human Rights in Honduras | Speaker Mary Anne Perrone Tuesday, May 10th, 7:00 – 9:00pm

Register for the (online) event here: There is no cost for these events, but your donations to ICPJ help us to be able to continue this work of educating and mobilizing in our communities.  Mary Anne is an educator, an activist, and a spiritual guide. For Read more…


Library Lane and Fifth Avenue Noon to 6 and into the evening with Drums and Dancing, weather permitting

THURSDAY April 21, 2022:
The Commons is Open, Cars are Gone. Tables and Chairs. carpets and kids toys, open Mic. Central Park Now!
noon > opening bell and Land Acknowledgement
12:30 >. “DecaDome” Commons office and information point, Set up opening
1-2 >. Discussion: The Commons is Commonly Pooled Resources Self-Managed by the Users:
What resources can we commonly pool?
2-3 > Discussion: Artists Brainstorming Public Art Ideas for the Center of the City
Murals for the walls and Elevator Building. Entry and Exit Signage
Chalking for fun—“chalk the walk you talk”
3-5 more chalking, open mic, music,…

FRIDAY…actual Earth Day April 22, 2022.
noon bell
noon-12:30 Land Acknowledgement : What Earth Are We on
Land Return. What can be done.? Potawatomi relations.
12:30-1:00 Opening Question : What Earth Day means to me …(reading from the “survey”)
Opening song. and sing along
Music [Jim Griff Griffin ]
1:-2:30 Mayoral Candidates discussion debate: All Candidates Invited
Climate calamities, social needs, mutual aid and the commons are all questions facing our tree town:
What do candidates have to say?

.#1 >> #2 >> #3
*speaking order by lot. time equalized

2:30-2:45***brief introduction. Green Brick Road to Sustainability and Survival,
Local climate and earth conscious organizations invited to be a “green brick”
with a table or easel giving visual program presentation, and a leaflet inviting
citizen participation, for those walking the Green Bricks, on a pathway through the commons

2:45-3:15. Earth Dance and plastic burial Megan Sims
Save Soil program

3:15-4. The Green Team: reporting work: Growing the Earth, Community Garden, pollinators, composting, seeds and
4-4:30. A2 zero City Climate plan, Sustainable Energy Utility.

4:30-5. music: opening song again. Mary and Eric Fithian

5-5:15 Global Big Picture…The next COP Conference of Parties, Intergovernmental Report,
Deep Adaptation and Extinction Rebellion.
5:15. -5:30. “New Earth Manifesto” opening reading
5:30- 6… Game “Adapt”: Bridget O’Brien
Music band and drumming into the evening

SATURDAY: April 23
noon: bell
12-12;20 Land Acknowledgement and Knowledge from our relations
12:20-12:30 What Earth Day means to me…: Elected Officials and Candidates

12:20-:-12:30 -Exhibits open: The “commons” book and drawings table, City Energy Plan exhibit.
12:30 -1:30 John Heath band
1:30-2:00. Reports from the Green Brick Road to Sustainability and Survival: Fermi, Line 5, Prohibition Treaty, Public Power, Climate Lobby, Student Actions
2:00-3:00. Music and talk.
3- 3:30 Poetry. One Single Rose. Rose Marie Wilson

3:30 -4:00. Peter Linebaugh: The Commons in the world, Enclosure, Privatization and Theft: with time for Questions.
“Climate calamity as the ultimate enclosure.”
4:00 -4:30
Ann Arbor City A2Zero 2030 carbon neutral program, with time for questions Missy Stultz
Project Grow 50th anniversary Scott Richardson….
What Earth Day means to me: candidates : Angeline Smith
Council of the Commons : Lisa Disch

   Adam Zemke : introducer


6:-7:00-ish PM on **** Drumming and drum circle, bring your drum

Dancing into the evening

SUNDAY: April 24
Noon. Bell.
12-12:30 Land Acknowledgement and Restoration draft Resolution? How!
12:30- 1:30 Sunday Prayers and words
What Earth Days Means to me: open Mic
open mic
1:30 -2:30 Sunday Band Steve Somers

2:30-3:30 One hour Thinking outside the box:
2:30 -3: New Earth Manifesto, concluded reading and 2022 vision Odile Hugonot Haber
3:- 3:30 Peace Table.. .Art for making Peace with the Earth Alan Haber

3:30-4:30 Sunday Band Ralph McKee

4:30 on. open jamming
>>> next actions. discussion tables and meet-ups
Bloomsday Party May 21-22
Juneteenth June 19 and the United Nations Decade for People of African descent, 2015-2024,
Reparations how! Ann Arbor-Asheville Alliance
Ann Arbor Bicentennial 1824-2024 To what future? Vision,History, Outreach, inclusive,
Flea Market in July…pass on your good old stuff,

6PM Clean up: aiming for zero waste, leave no trace.