For those that missed the event January 11th, 2022, you can check out the Recording: 2022 ICPJ Latin America Caucus Speaker Series featuring John Lindsay-Poland.
Here are some action steps you can take now to help with this issue:
Urge President Biden to abide by his campaign promise: Return oversight of firearms exports to the State Dept.
Urge House Appropriations Committee members to support a Senate provision to identify Mexican and Central American police and military end users of U.S. weapons exports. Write Rep. Barbara Lee’s subcommittee staff:
Other subcommittee members: Grace Meng; (D-NY); David E. Price (D-NC); Lois Frankel (D-FL); Norma J. Torres (D-CA); Adriano Espaillat (D-NY); Jennifer Wexton (D-VA); Hal Rogers (Ranking Member, R-KY); Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL); Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA)
Other resources:
Stop US Arms to Mexico:
Forum on the Arms Trade:
Michigan Daily Coverage of ICPJ Latin America Caucus Speaker Series January 2022