Faith-Based Climate Witness in Ann Arbor Monday, October 18th | 11:30am

Keep Oil in the Ground, not in the Water

Ann Arbor Friends Meeting (Quakers) invites you to bear peaceful witness to the urgency of the climate crisis. We will gather at 11:30am in the parking lot behind Blake Transit Center (William St), walk together around noon to the local branch of Chase Bank in downtown Ann Arbor (Main & Washington) and deliver a letter to the CEO of JP Morgan Chase asking him to lead Chase in disinvesting from fossil fuel and financing renewable energy businesses instead.

Chase is a major funder of Enbridge’s Line 3, a pipeline bringing tar sands oil from Alberta through Native American lands in Minnesota, and of the current and replacement versions of Line 5, a pipeline that crosses the Straits of Mackinac.

This is part of an international witness by people of faith called together by Greenfaith ( to make visible the concern of faith communities in anticipation of the U.N. Climate Talks. Please join us as individuals or groups, bringing your own letters if you wish and making clear your witness as people of faith with signs, banners, etc. For more information or to express your interest, please reply to